College Profile

College Profile

Govt. Degree College Ramgarh affiliated to University of Jammu was established in the year 2019 by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. The College is about 8 km away towards west from the National Highway. At present, the college is housed in the of Govt. Middle School Kalah, opposite Baba Sidh Goria Temple, Swankha. The college was initiated with an encouraging strength of 35 students covering both male and female in the first academic session 2019-20 in Arts stream. The emphasis is ities and conscious effort to attract and retain talented students through regular influx of talented teaching faculty, monitoring and up-gradation of elements of infrastructure such as library, sports, Red Ribbon Club, NSS, NCC, Internet There is enough space for restructuring and expansion that provides an atmosphere for students with choice and creates competitions among them.

College is offering 04 Major subjects along with Minor Courses and skill courses to hip role in Local, National and Global Communities. We are proud of our Vision and Mission which represents long term commitment to prepare students for future perspective by imparting quality education. We are emerging as an educational institution of excellence with flow of knowledge in all spheres of life so that the students may think beyond unthinkable and see beyond unseen. As the College is situated in rural area, knowledge is imparted to rural society by adopting innovative methods & techniques which aids in the economics upliftment and masses.

To achieve our objectives, besides class work, students are enrolled in different programs viz. Skill training Program & Career Counseling Programs to name of few. Also different Clubs of the College are conducting extra Curricular activities to achieve our goals